Wednesday, June 19, 2013


I purchased a Raspberry Pi this week!  It's an incredible piece of technology.  I purchases this servo controller for it too because servo motors are useful.  While pondering what I could do with 16 servo motors, I came across this video.  It seems like it wouldn't be easy to build but definitely possible.  I think I will start off with a simple 12 servo hexapod and add on to it later.  Here is a rough design I made in inventor:
Simple hexapod design

Simple hexapod design, view from top

It's pretty simple.  I can't think of a reason why it will not work.  If you can, let me know in the comments!  Here's the Inventor files.  As for attaching the servos in the leg assembly, I will probably use some kind of bracket.  I'm working on a quick prototype leg, and I just used hot glue to attach them and it turned out pretty well.  I'll upload a video when I am finished.  I'm probably going to use micro servos because of the price.  Let me know what you think and give me any advice in the comments.

UPDATE: I have decided to just use the design from the video above.  I found a 3D model here

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