Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Gizmo 2.0

As I sit down to write this, I realize it's been so long that I haven't even blogged about Gizmo 1.0!  To sum that up, I pretty much made what I blogged about earlier, but I did a poor job with it and it fell apart.  That was last summer.  This past semester I got a 3d printer and made this guy:

It was roughly based off of this post on thingiverse, except I went for a more self-enclosed look.  It took a while to 3d print the base, manly because I would keep tripping over the printer cable, or the plastic would get caught half way through.  As for what's inside, I'm powering it with as raspberry pi and a servo controller from adafruit.  It use to work really well, but something is wrong with it and I just can't figure it out. I'll make another post when I have him walking again.

On Thingiverse: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:359709

Update: I got him to move, but he may have some problems keeping his balance while he walks.

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