Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Before I begin, let me just apologize for the lack of creativity in the name.  This is Arm-Bot, my 3d-printed arduino-powered robotic arm.

I bought a 3-d printer in January and this is the first thing I've made with it.  It is relatively simple, which is why I chose it as my first project.  When I was designing it, my main goal was to make it as simple as possible.  The gripper is unlike most robotic arms I've seen.

Other than that, it is pretty much like any other 3-d printed robotic arm.  I also printed a controller for it.

I only had one joystick, so I had to get creative.  The horizontal axis always move the bottom servo.  If the right button is pressed, the vertical axis moves the motor second from the bottom, and when the left button is pressed, the vertical axis moves the servo above that one.  When the top button is pressed, the hand grips, and when the button is released, the hand releases.  The controls aren't as bad as they may sound.  It would be much better with two joysticks, though.

To be honest, I dropped the ball on the documentation for this one.  I had it all working at one point, and then I decided to repurpose the arduino and eventually the project degraded into a chunk of plastic and electronics in a shoe box.  I don't have any pictures of it done, or a video of it working.  Instead, here's a picture of it half done, and a 3d rendering of it I made in Inventor. 

Check it out on Thingiverse here.

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